Nothing was there to hinder Br. P. G. Waghmare to share Jesus Christ to the unreached people groups along with Br. Sabat. Climbing the hills from hours and hours and reaching to the people 

who live in Jungle and on the Mountains.
If someone gets sick or about to die than there is only one way for the person and his or her family members to wait & see the death unless person dies, due to medical and travel help.
There is no way to go up and go down by the vehicles, even more places doesn’t have light, when sun sets there darkness takes place.
God sent Br. P. G. W. to heal people and show heavenly light in the midst of Jungle and Mountains (hills).

10.1 Midst of the Jungle
When God sent him to share Jesus Christ through healing to the sick people and the possessed men and women, then people saw deliverance in their lives.
 Every kind of sickness fled from the bodies, demons left bodies and again the voice of the Healing was shouted by the darkened people and now they were completely healed.

10.2 Midst of the different people groups
Br. P. G. W. is more liked by the others state people also such as Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh apart from Orissa.
No bed to sleep but ground,
No food which he has but they having,
No vehicle to travel but by walking hours and hours,
No his demand but their hospitality,
No his but theirs…

What he received from God he gave freely to all and LORD honored him wherever he put his step.
The missionary quality which was displayed from his life was ‘Adjustment’.
He could adjust everything and everywhere among different people, different food, style of living but always he became one among them and always God shown miracles and signs from his life.

At risk he and Br. Sabat reached to the unreached people groups in the midst of Jungle & hills to share Jesus and God fulfilled his task through them.

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