7. Wilderness & promise land

In Madhya Pradesh he was sent for Bible College for 4 years. Everything was new for him. Most difficult thing was to leave family, specially wife & son and study there in English. Which was not his language and study in it was also another problem. Daily 3 times by kneeling down prayer used to offer to the LORD JESUS to help him to finish 4 years study. Which was not going  to finish by his strength and men’s help.

Days after day, week after week and month after month were passing. Each day God was helping him to move forward.
Here, he learned how to pray in spirit, feeling the presence of the LORD in worship and how to fast? Everything which was helping him to go near to God was available for him in Bible College.
Dr. P. G. Vargis was the principal and the founder of Indian Evangelical Team. P. G. Vargis formed the South Asia Leadership Training & Development Center – Piparia. M. P. was the name of Bible College (SALTDC) Atmosphere of SALTDC was really spiritual where God speaks in fasting and other activities to the students.
When God was molding and making Br. P. G. Waghmare in Bible college, for His specific
ministry of healing, time to time God was in touch with him to lead him ahead as Father stay remain with his child, who was learning how to put first step to walk.
One day, God sent his servant Neville from Newzeland whom God used to prophecy about Br. P. G. Waghmare by writing and making picture on the board for more than 30 minutes. And it was great thing for him to accept because, that prophet doesn’t know his name Ajay and prophesied on him, he accepted it.
Here, his thoughts changed and again he fully surrendered his life for God’s ministry. Prophecy was – “God is going to use you in wildness and you have asked difficult thing, but God will give you it in right time.”

It was three days fasting as family for SALTDC. God conformed his calling in Br. P. G. Waghmare’s life again through the prophecy.
7.2 Suffering & Trails (Needs)
Time of the Bible study was very tuff due to financial support and even the English language which was new. When he entered in the Land of Bible College, there he made a covenant with LORD that he would not borrow the money or anything from anybody whatever would happened, during the 4 years of study, because He sent him and He had to provide every needs. Wilderness journey shaped him according God’s will and purpose time to time.
There are some unforgettable events which tears the hearts of the listeners & readers.
Once, his paste, soap and oil got finish. Next day, he pretended that he had everything, then another next day, day after day were passing, smell from the mouth & body was spreading, he was hiding himself and was making distance whenever and wherever he sit in the classroom and outside near his friends.

Every day, he brushed with water and bathed with water. He used to go into bathroom and used to show brush & empty soap box to the LORD saying that he needs these things.
In this way 20 days passed, in the morning he prayed to God that, today he is going to ask 10 Rs from his friend to buy soap, paste, oil which together prized more than 20 Rs.
He prayed to God and went for class. Afternoon he returned to room to pray as usually he used to do and he knelt and prayed. When he opened his eyes he saw a big-carry bag tided, he looked to his roommate thinking that someone might have forgotten. But, no one was in room, everybody were in dining hall.
That package was on his bed. He took it and came out of his room and searched someone, but no one was there. He opened it and saw these things, one big hair oil bottle, big paste, 4 soaps, washing powder and something to eat.

He understood that it was his answer of prayer. He gave thank to the LORD with whole heartedly   and after a long time he brushed and bathed as he desired in the morning. There was no afternoon hunger for him because the joy of his prayer answer fed his stomach fully.
That incident turned his life and helped him to walk on faith again…
Most of the time financial was the main problem which he faced, 1200 Rs. money order from his house he received in 4 years of study. No other money to do anything. Every time he knelt before the LORD and time to time God provided financial support.
He remembers the man who helped him during his 4 years journey. His co-coordinator  pastor David P. Waghmare. He was the influence and respectable servant of God for his life, who sent him Bible college and stood in his official work during his study time to time.
During his study time he was the Evangelism leader and climbed mountains, crossed the rivers and made a way to reach the unreached people who are living in the midst of Jungle and it was not easy to share Jesus to them.

But every Saturday he used to go for evangelism and really God used him and changed the hearts of people and healed them from their sickness.
Every opportunity he took and used it for God’s kingdom and God blessed his work. More than 10 people were ready to take Baptism and ready to come to church from their background.
All glory goes to the LORD Jesus.
He was the good student before his teachers during his study, in character, behavior and lifestyle. He believed prayer and more fasting which he could do in his time.
Once, he had 40 days fasting, after few days of his fasting he got malaria. Teachers and his friends advised him to have medicine, but he didn’t allow having medical treatment rather he prayed every day. Same food, water and his headache tried to pull him down but God’s grace was with him.

Fasting was continually going on and malaria also for 2 weeks. But after 25 days he was feeling normal good and day by day, his sickness was going out of his body, before his 40 days fasting got finished he was completely healed and LORD helped him to finish his 40 days fasting for finishing of his study and made him anointed servant in ministry field.
He had spiritual father during his study time named Sir – Stephen Louse who knew everything about him more than any other teacher and helped him to grow more in spiritual life.

One thing made him enough strong to do better ministry was the staff of all teachers who taught him from the word of God. He remembered all of them. God may bless all.

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